Saturday, December 26, 2009
Adding a New Pet Into Your Home
One of the best places to start when considering introducing a new pet is to ask the pet currently living in the home how she/he feels about this. Surprisingly, in my experience, there are a few who really don't mind. But that's it--just a few. Most animals do not want what comes with a new pet: less attention from "mom" or "dad" or less quality time(which is, of course, anticipated in their minds), and the chance that this new "sibling" will eat their food (remember, dogs especially have that pack mentality). Most of the time, the answer to the question "Would you like a little buddy to play with?"; sometimes it's even an emphatic NO! When asked if they're lonely, which is a projection from pet owners, most of the time the answer is no. It takes a certain personality in a dog or cat to accept another furry family member...but also taken into account is age, gender, and how long the current pet has lived in the home.
The most difficulty usually occurs when two cats are brought together: cats are much more selective (as any cat owner would agree) and have very different views about their position in the home than dogs. If a new cat comes into the household, without asking the current resident cat(s), you could be facing a very challenging situation that may or may not ever be resolved.
Based on the many pet owners who have consulted with me about adding new pets, I strongly recommend, first of all, that you ASK the current pet(s) -- through the services of an Animal Communicator -- and to seriously consider the possible consequences of changing the present hierarchy--and please know that there is one; if the new pet arrives without the owner(s)having heard from the other pet(s), there may very well be a chance of agreement. Only time will tell. But, fear not, there are some things pet owners can do to try to make the transition go more smoothly. The most important thing to consider is to respect all the animals involved.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Pets with health issues

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What does your pet really want?

Many pet owners I have met tell me that they believe their pets are "spoiled" and have pretty much everything they want. But, in my experience, the bottom line for any animal is unconditional love -- to give and to receive. What, then, does "unconditional love" really mean? With my professional background in Early Childhood Education, I have learned that fulfilling children's needs are based on love through respect and understanding. It is no different for animals! You may wonder, how would we give respect and understanding to our animals--they don't know what that means! Guess what? They certainly do! Animals of all kinds are highly intuitive and "get" so much more than many people might imagine.
What about the family dog who starts "looking depressed" when the suitcases come out for an upcoming vacation? Or what about the cat who suddenly stops using the litter box when a new pet is brought into the home? Has anyone thought to tell their pet about the changes taking place in the home? Usually--no. I strongly urge my clients to keep their pets informed and "in the loop" about what's happening in their homes. Just like any other family member, it's important to let your pets in on what events will be taking place, who's coming or going, etc., and that they are a valued member of the household. Acknowledgment can be so powerful--even to the animals.
Talk to your pets! Tell them your plans! Believe me, it matters!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Will my pet ever come back to me?
My suggestion is to investigate further into the topic of reincarnation, to completely understand the term and how it works. Read more, discuss with others, and, of course, utilize someone like me to communicate with the animal in spirit.
One comment I'd like to make is this: from my studies and research, it has been stated that people and their animals stay together throughout many lifetimes. However, the cat someone just lost may or may not return as a similar cat, or even as a cat at all. Being open to all possibilities is a good way to go. The soul of an animal, personality, and characteristics have been know to remain unchanged. You'll know when it happens to you.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Dealing with the loss of your pet

Losing a special animal is indeed one of the most difficult experiences we'll ever have . Having been through this myself with my own dog, Corky, 7 years ago, I completely understand how deeply the impending loss affects pet owners.
I'd like to add that, first and foremost, no matter what our pet's condition, I believe it is of utmost importance for us to be respectful. How? By believing that animals do have feelings and thoughts they'd love to share! I also believe they are here for one main reason: to teach us about unconditional love. There is no doubt they teach us many things in life, but love is the bottom line.
Some of the questions pet owners generally ask when their pets are ill are: Is my pet in pain? How much longer does my pet have? Is the medication really helping? When I telepathically communicate with the animal, I get the answers simply and directly, because animals have a very open attitude about passing on. While the responses are never easy to hear, it always seems to provide some comfort and relief to the pet owner to hear exactly how their pets feel and think about what's happening. One very crucial point our pets have to make is that, more than how they feel about their own health, their concerns are for us, their people, and how we're feeling.
If you are facing this situation and would like to have me speak with your pet regarding his/her feelings and thoughts, please contact me. I would love to be able to offer some support, understanding, and comfort to you at this difficult time. I invite you to check out my website for further info about me and my work. You can also reach me at (949) 636-5500 (local or long-distance readings available).
As difficult as it is to say goodbye, clients have told me that they have indeed found some relief in hearing what their beloved pets had to say.
Bonnie Taplin, Animal Communicator & Healer